We are SABRE – Save Acton Beauchamp’s Rural Environment

We want to prevent good quality agricultural land in Acton Beauchamp, a particularly beautiful corner of Herefordshire, from being rendered unproductive for years to come by the construction of a dense network of large solar panels.

Herefordshire Council has responded to a preliminary planning application to develop a so-called solar ‘farm’, on a 132 acre (53ha) site,  shown in blue below.  The Council has required the applicants to compile a formal ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ (EIA), because of the project’s likely effects on an area of sensitivity, and then submit it within a formal application.

We are expecting the application imminently, and will oppose it due to its scale and visual disturbance to the character and amenities of this rural area. This scheme will remove and disfigure productive good quality farm land for decades  We believe farming is the backbone of the rural landscape and that our best land should be used for growing food. There are non-agricultural sites available for industrial scale energy production, as well as roofs of suitable premises.

0 Acres
site subject to EIA
0 Years
of industrial blight on the landscape
of best and most versatile land
of total land in Acton Beauchamp parish

We are SABRE – Save Acton Beauchamp’s Rural Environment

We want to prevent good quality agricultural land in Acton Beauchamp, a particularly beautiful corner of Herefordshire, from being rendered unproductive for years to come by the construction of a dense network of large solar panels.

Herefordshire Council has responded to a preliminary planning application to develop a so-called solar ‘farm’, on a 132 acre (53ha) site,  shown in blue below.  The Council has required the applicants to compile a formal ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ (EIA), because of the project’s likely effects on an area of sensitivity, and then submit it within a formal application.

We are expecting the application imminently, and will oppose it due to its scale and visual disturbance to the character and amenities of this rural area. This scheme will remove and disfigure productive good quality farm land for decades  We believe farming is the backbone of the rural landscape and that our best land should be used for growing food. There are non-agricultural sites available for industrial scale energy production, as well as roofs of suitable premises.